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28 October 2008

October 28th, 2010 by Selise

2 years ago today I married the most wonderful man in the world. Those words and any other words I will write in the future will never come close to describing how much I love him.  I have been happy every day since I met him and I will be every day for the rest of my life, knowing that I get to wake up next to him. To eat poached eggs on toast with him. To listen to jazz and cook dinner with him. To watch Venture Bros. To listen to the rain. To drink beer. To laugh and laugh and laugh with him. 

Happy anniversary sweetheart, I love you.

7 Responses

  1. Magatha-May says:

    Congratulations you two, *hugs*

  2. hiven says:

    awwwwhh. this is lovely

  3. Snappy-Q says:

    Yay! Happy Anniversary! This post was so sweet and made me tear up a little bit because it is so evident that you love him.

  4. Kat says:

    Happy Anniversary! What a sweet post. In just over 1 year I will be getting married. I am so excited!

  5. Kimberellie says:

    How cute is this photo? LOVE it. How sweet is what you said? Beautiful.

    heart: Kimberellie

  6. Ebony says:

    Happy anniversary. I hope one day I get to meet you two and bask in your love :p LOVE the photo.

  7. erica says:

    aww, happy anniversary, lovebirds.

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